Garlic is an outstanding and miracle herb which a has strong-smell and pungent taste.This herb is overloaded with many health benefits.Garlic can easily cure common cold, cough, reduces cholesterol and helping to lower blood pressure , fighting heart problems and many other diseases in a very easy way.Eating raw garlic every day is a very easy and simple job but not everyone can do this.But if you build on this habit and continue it for a long time permanently then you will gain an incredible benefits in your life.
Reduce Cholesterol
The most important and outstanding use of Garlic is that it works very effectively to reduce Cholesterol which is an alarming disease for everyone.The daily intake of garlic cloves with warm water or the garlic tea is really helpful to reduce Cholesterol.
Natural Antibiotics
Antibiotics are used in our daily lives to recover from many diseases or to fight against a number of infections but the point is that Garlic is a natural Antibiotic and the intake of it works like a wonderful antibiotic in our body.So if you are talking it on regular basis it will really work as a very good medicine for body to prevent many diseases and infections.
Boost Up Immunity
In our day to day life we have to face a number of diseases although we try our best to prevent these diseases but we can not protect ourselves from viral infections like cough,could,flu and many skin infections.The best way to deal with these viral infections and many other problems is to boost our immune system because if we have a good immune system no disease can harm us very much and the best way to boost our immunity is the daily dose of garlic in our diet.
Best for Heart Health.
In our modern lifestyle we are facing a lot of changes which has made our lives much easier but with all these ease we are also facing many health challenges because we have decreased our physical activities.The less physical activity has caused heart disease which are life threatening.The main problem is that a majority of people don't know what they have heart health issues and the best way to deal with this problem is that just start taking garlic in our diet on regular basis because this is the easiest way to solve a number of heart disease like it reduces cholesterol it improves blood circulation and prevents from high blood pressure and the most effective thing is that it cleans our arteries in a very natural way.
Controls Blood Pressure.
High blood pressure is known as a silent killer because in many people there are no symptoms of high blood pressure is starting but this disease causes a lot of damage in human body silently.Garlic is a best natural ingredient to control blood pressure in a very effective way.Because the magical properties of garlic relax the vessels and work as cleanse for our arteries so the daily intake of 3 chopped garlic cloves with 1 glass of warm water is recommended by a number of nutritionists and doctors.
Helps to control diabetes.
The most important role of Ginger in our diet is that it works very effectively to control diabetes which is a very common and serious disease. Diabetes becomes more complicated when some other health issues are also combined but the use of ginger regularly in our daily diet not only controls diabetes but also very effective for high blood pressure,obesity and cholesterol which make this disease more serious.
Use of Garlic.
To get the amazing benefits of garlic,it is necessary to include it in our diet on regular basis at least once a day.It is also important to know how we can use garlic in your diet plan.
1) If you want to reduce hypertension takes 3 cloves of garlic in the morning.
2) To lose the belly fat use raw 3 garlic cloves every morning with a glass of lemon water.
3)If you want good health for you bones and to reduce joint pain so Consume 2 or 3 fresh garlic with salads to improve bone health.
4)Garlic is very good to reduce acne .To get rid of acne and pimples freshly cut 2 or 3 cloves of garlic and smash it to get the juice then add 1/2 spoon of honey. Apply this mixture on the infected area and after 2 minutes wash it off.
5)Garlic is known best to reduce Cholesterol .To lower cholesterol, it is recommended to take cloves of garlic with a teaspoon of honey with 1 glass of warm water early morning.
Garlic Tea.
Garlic Tea is so good for health and fights aganist a number of diseases It has so many health benefits which include improving heart health and blood pressure,it helps in weight loss, boost our metabolism and even treats many infections.Infact garlic tea with honey is good for many health problems
2 clove Garlic
1 cup Hot Water
2 tea.sp Honey
Add 2 chopped garlic cloves in a cup ,pour boiling water cover it for 5 minutes add 1 tea spoon of honey at take it an empty stomach daily.This drink is also very effective for weightloss.
The tea made of garlic, ginger and lemon is also great for heart,weightloss,stress and many other problems it also brings many benefits to your health.
Garlic for Heart Blockage.
There is a very effective,tested and highly recommended remedy of Garlic for heart.Because
the natural compounds in garlic,ginger,lemon And apple cider vinegar relax blood vessels and reduce clogged arteries which lower blood pressure and benefit heart health.
Apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup
Ginger juice 1/2 cup,
Garlic juice 1/2 cup,
Lemon juice 1/2 cup,
Honey 1/2 cup,
Add Apple cider vinegar, Lemon juice, Garlic juice and ginger juice into a pan, mix well.
Boil the mixture over low heat until it become total 1/3 in measure.
Cool it down, add honey and mix them well.
Store it into a bottle.
Take the mixture 1 tbsp every day before breakfast.
After 20 mins you can have your breakfast.
Garlic for hair.
The use of garlic for the treatment of hair loss is a popular domestic treatments.The extract of garlic 1 spoon and 1 spoon olive oil is applied over the scalp every day to control hair loss. Apply for minimum of four months and see the results
Garlic nasal rinse Water.
The garlic nasal rinse can be good for sinus congestion and mucus. Garlic helps to kill and clean out this fungus,virus, or bacteria.
Take 1 garlic clove, peel it and chop it into small pieces, boil 1/2 cup of water .In a cup pour the 1/2 cup of hot water over the chopped garlic cover this cup with a lid for 15 minutes.Then use a stainer to remove the garlic because we only need garlic water.
Use the lukewarm liquid to flush your nose twice a day.
The most amazing fact about Garlic is that it is used not only for common diseases like cough, flu,cold and body pain and joint pain the fact is that it is also very very effective for some very serious and complicated diseases like CHOLESTEROL,HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART DISEASES.Garlic removes plaque if we take it regularly in our diet.Th plaque can reduce blood flow or even block it altogether.
Clogged arteries increase the risk of heart attack or stroke and for all these garlic is very effective.