Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to sleep properly, hard to stay asleep, or if you sleep you wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep and some time feel tired when you wake up and you can't feel good ever after sleep. Insomnia not only destroys your energy level and mood but also your health, this issue also effect your work performance and quality of life.
The requirements of a good sleep varies from person to person, but mostly adults need seven to eight hours a night.Infact Insomnia means poor sleep which has not benefits for health.
Common signs of this disease
• Not being able to sleep properly.
• Waking up too early.
• Waking for long periods in the night.
• Not feeling refreshed after a night's sleep.
If you have poor sleep,over a long period of time, it can severely affect your life,it can cause some very serious problems.
Fatigue and loss of energy in the whole daytime.
• Very poor concentration.
• Loss of interest in daily activities.
• Depression and anxiety.
• A worse quality of life.
A normal amount of sleep
About 6-9 hours per night is average for most adults. Most people have their own sleep patterns and they manage it according to their own lifestyle however as you become older, it is normal to sleep less. For most people it takes less than thirty minutes to fall asleep.
So, everyone is different but the important thing is that the amount of sleep that you get should be sufficient for you, and that you usually feel refreshed and not sleepy during the daytime.
How to sleep properly ?
There are some basic rules to treat insomnia and you can try this by changing your daytime and bedtime habits or by improving your bedroom environment.Making small changes may help you to get a good night's sleep. We can try some these methods for a few weeks to bring some positive changes in our lives.
Day time routine.
• Set a time for getting up every day. Try not to change this and follow this habit for some weeks properly.
Don't take large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bed.
DO some physical work and remain physically active during the day and go outside if possible.
Avoid sodas and chocolate, throughout the day and especially at night.

Excessive work.
Overeating at night.
Excess of tea or coffee.
Empty stomach before sleep.
Always follow a timetable at night to sleep and to wake up, follow it including weekends.
Don't use smartphones, TVs, laptops or other screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
No smoking specially before sleeping.
Although there are millions of people who are suffering from insomnia and trying very hard to deal with this problem but the many researchers show that the best way to deal with this issue is a natural way.By following the healthy rules and lifestyle and with the help of some natural remedies everyone can deal with insomnia but for this we have to bring some basic changes in our day to day life permanently and positively.Every one is suffering from insomnia he knows that how difficult is this to maintain a normal and healthy lifestyle with this disease because your have to face physical and mental issues in this disease and if you don't take any serious steps to prevent this and if you only take sleep pills and not any other changes in your life you're definitely going on a wrong path.
In our modern life style we are facing many different challenges and the mental health issues are one of them the best way to deal with mental illness and any anxiety and depression is to bring some positive and healthy changes in our whole lifestyle.In insomnia those steps are also required properly and by doing this we definitely deal with all healthy issues and specially with insomnia in a very positive and Natural way permanently.
IF SOMEONE has any serious issues and other health problems then you should definitely go to your doctor and don't use any remedy if your have any serious health issues.
IF you have any questions please ask.
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