Labor Pain and Delivery.
The most beautiful and hear touching thing in the whole world in to hold your baby in your arms.But this amazing moment comes after a long,hard and painful journey.Although the nine months are full of ups and downs pain restlessness and many more but the labor pain is infant the hardest thing of a mother.
The labor pain is caused by contractions of the muscles of the uterus and by pressure on the cervix. Women fell this strong pain in abdomen, groin, and back and also an achy feeling. Some women also feel pain in their sides or thighs as well.
The labor is different for every woman.Because It varies widely from woman to woman and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. So for some Women ,it resembles menstrual cramps; for others, severe pressure and pain.
In the start of contractions the pain is less and bearable.But with the passage of time as the pressure increases increases the concentrations start speedly and there is less time between every contraction to relax.

So it's very important for a woman to follow some basics suggestions and rules to make this process less painful.
Preparing Yourself.
So first thing to do is that get ready for it from the starting to manage the pain during labor so here are some things you can start.The first thing is regular and reasonable exercise (that your doctor says is OK if your doctorso no then don't do any exercise).The light and simple exercise can help to strengthen your muscles and prepare your body to bear the stress of labor. The most important thing to remember is that your exercise should be lighter and according to the advice of your doctor. Talk to your doctor about what is a safe exercise for you.
Medicine-free Methods to handle the pain during labor
Yoga is a very healthy lifestyle habit for any person but it has a great impact on a pregnant woman. So if you are doing yoga after the advice of your doctor it is very helpful to manage labor pain.
You meditation is very relaxing at the time to maintain your breathing in labor
Meditation is very helpful to tolerate labor pain and proper breathing.
Walk is very helpful in pregnancy but in the last trimester walking has amazing results.
A soft message also decreases the pain levels.
Changing position.
A change in position is also a good way to relax your body and your muscles so change your positions as you want.
Take a bath or shower
IN labor pain after taking a bath of warm water you can relax your muscles infact taking care a shower is a very effective way to manage the pain.
- Do some activities during this period to divert your attention
Pain Medicines
A variety of pain medicines can be used during labor and delivery, depending on the situation. Many women use such medicines, and it helps to manage the pains through the contractions. You can talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of each type of medicine.
Epidurals have some issues and drawbacks they can cause a woman's blood pressure to drop and can make it difficult to pee. They can also cause itching, nausea, and headaches in the mother. The risks to the baby are minimal, but include problems caused by low blood pressure in the mother.
These drugs don't relieve pain, but they may help to calm and relax women who are very anxious. Sometimes they are used along with analgesics. These drugs can have effects on both the mother and baby, and are not often used. They also can make it difficult for women to remember the details of the birth. Discuss the risks of tranquilizers with your doctor.

Natural Childbirth
Some women choose to give birth using no medicine at all, relying instead on relaxation techniques and controlled breathing for pain. If you'd like to experience childbirth without pain medicine, discuss this with your health care provider.
Things to Consider
Here are some things to think about when considering pain control during labor
The Medicines you use can relieve much of your pain, but probably won't relieve all of it.
Labor pain may be more painful than you expected. Some women who had said they want no pain medicine they had also changed their minds when they're actually in labor.So you should prepare yourself for everything.
You can't use any medicine without the suggestions of a doctor Some medicines can affect your baby, making baby drowsy or causing changes in the heart rate.
Talking to Your Health Care Provider
You'll want to review your pain control options with the person who'll be delivering your baby. Find out what's available, how effective they're likely to be, and when it's best not to use some medicines.
If you want to use pain-control methods other than medicine, make sure your health care provider and the hospital staff know. You might want to also that makes your preferences clear.
Always remember that there are many women who make decisions about pain relief that they abandon often for very good reason at the last minute. Your ability to endure the pain of childbirth has nothing to do with your worth as a mother.The capacity to bear pain is not our personal choice so if you can't do this it's not a big deal. By preparing and educating yourself, you can be ready to decide what pain management works best for you.You should always remember that the amazing time period of 9 months is enough to show your courage and outstanding efforts so if your have decided to go for a natural birth but you are not going to do this it's absolutely okay just consult with your doctor and select the pain management way which is safe and effective for you.
Great information