Thursday, June 16, 2022

what's causing the weight gain epidemic in Americans?

The United States has one of the highest obesity rates in the world and this trend shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. In fact, according to statistics released by the CDC, it looks like more than 70% of all Americans will be overweight or obese by 2030, compared to only 66% in 2010. This isn’t just an American problem, though – all around the world, people are getting bigger and fatter at an alarming rate that we’ve never seen before in history. But why? What’s causing this worldwide weight gain epidemic? Are Americans eating more calories than their grandparents did?

According to a new report from CDC, about one in three kids and teens in America are overweight or obese. This is creating a health crisis for millions of children and their families. All of that extra weight increases kids’ chances of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or hypertension later in life—and developing these conditions at such a young age can also lead to lifelong problems like heart disease and stroke.

Poor diet & childhood obesity

childhood obesity is a growing problem in America, with about one-third of children between 6 and 19 years old either overweight or obese. Why has our country experienced such a drastic rise in childhood obesity? Part of it may be due to poor eating habits. Children whose diets consist mostly of processed foods rather than whole foods are far more likely to be overweight or obese than those who eat healthily.

Is it genetics?

While some people are born with genes that predispose them to obesity, it’s a complex web of factors that ultimately determines your body composition. And although certain combinations of genes might make you more susceptible to weight gain than others, knowing how and why you gained those pounds can help you take back control.

Too less Exercise. 

The increasing levels of obesity in America are linked to our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. More than half of all adults and nearly one-third of children do not get enough physical activity. A recent study found that close to 80 percent of U.S. kids don’t get enough exercise every day (CDC). Exercise doesn’t just boost your physical health, it boosts your mental health as well. It relieves stress and depression, helps you sleep better, lifts your mood, and helps you focus when it comes time to buckle down on homework or projects at work. You can even lose weight if you are physically active 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week can help you drop up to 5 pounds in 4 weeks!

 Factors Leading to Obesity

Obesity rates are highest in low-income neighborhoods, but it’s not a coincidence that people with low incomes also tend to live in areas where food choices are less plentiful and high-quality. And there’s a correlation between lower socioeconomic status and higher obesity rates for both men and women. Factors such as easy access to junk food, higher cost of healthy food options, or limited ability to buy quality ingredients for home cooking may play a role. In addition, people with low incomes often have fewer places nearby where they can exercise or get healthy food—or they simply don’t have enough time or money for daily exercise due to demanding work schedules.

What should you do?

There are several causes of obesity that you can consider. Whatever you do, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting a new diet or workout plan. Eating right and getting regular exercise can go a long way in maintaining healthy body weight. If you feel like your nutrition plan isn’t working for you, consider seeing a registered dietitian. A registered dietitian will assess your diet and lifestyle factors, design meal plans specific to your needs, and helps motivate you toward permanent lifestyle changes

How to lose weight?

Did you know that if Americans of all ages were at their ideal body weights, our country would save $143 billion in healthcare costs per year? That’s because obesity is linked to health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. So if we can reduce obesity rates, we can prevent thousands of premature deaths and illnesses—and save billions of dollars. The good news is that a healthy diet and regular exercise are two simple things anyone can do to help keep weight off for good. But it's not always easy: The fact is, most people don't need to lose weight (or they only need to lose a few pounds). And most people who do need to lose weight won't be able to maintain their weight loss over time without some help.

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