In our daily life the most haunting word that we hear is Depression.common people have different definitions of this word.Depression is a mood disorder that causes a feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression is also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression,it brings alot of changes that how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. When yor are in depression you may have trouble doing normal daily activities, and sometimes you may feel as life is useless and there is no reason of living.
Symptoms of depression.
The reality is that we can't say that how many times we face depression and how long it will remain may it occurs only once during our lives.we cannot give the exact answer of these questions but we can tell the symptoms of depression very clearly.
The most common symptoms are the feelings of sadness always tearfulness and feeling emptiness or hopelessness in our daily routine.
In depression most common symptoms are Angry behavior, irritability or frustration in all small matters.
The other symptoms of depression are that people Loss their interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities, such as sex hobbies or sports.
In depression many people have to face Sleep disturbances and they also suffer from insomnia but some people in depression sleep too much which is also not a normal thing.
Many people who are in depression they face Tiredness and lack of energy and even in their daily small tasks they have to put extra efforts.
If someone has the depression issue it also Reduced appetite and weight loss and in even some time people have serious eating problems. Depression also increase cravings for food and weight gain.
Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements are also a very common symptoms of depression.
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt also a major problem or symptom of depression and many people constantly thought about the failure and and go through the process of self-blame.
The most common symptom of depression is that people feel very difficulty in concentrating and in making decisions and to remembering things properly.
The most dangerous and problematic symptom of depression is the Frequent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts or even suicide attempts or suicide.
Most obvious symptom of depression is physical problems without any reason such as back pain or headaches on regular basis.
It is also a fact that people with depression,and all its symptoms usually are not noticed by the people inspite of that they have problems in day-to-day activities, such as work, school, social relationships.
Depression in children and teens.
Depression is also a problem for children and teens and the Common signs and symptoms of depression in children and teenagers are similar to those of adults, but there can be some differences.
When younger children and suffered from depression the common symptoms of depression are sadness, irritability, worry, aches and pains, refusing to go to school, or being underweight.
In teens, sadness, irritability, feeling negative and worthless, anger, poor performance or poor attendance at school, feeling of loneliness,eating or sleeping too, loss of interest in normal
Need of doctor.
When you feel depressed and facing many problems in your daily life go to your doctor as soon as you can. If you're not ready for medical treatment, talk to a friend or loved one or any health care professional,because it's very good to deal with this problem.
Emergency help.
Depression can be very dangerous and difficult to deal if someone has very serious thoughts of suicide or loss of interest in life at this point it's difficult to deal with this issue by youself .
If you think you can hurt yourself then talk to someone as soon as possible. If you're having suicidal thoughts constantly following these steps.
Call your doctor
Reach to a close friend or loved one.
If you have tried any suicidal attempt in past then at this time your must not remain alone and their should be a close 0ne with you for your help.
Causes of Depression.
Depression is a very complex disease and it is very difficult to know that exactly causes it, but there are some basic and common reasons of it.
Healthy problem.
Some people have depression when they have any serious medical illness. When a person goes through a long period of painful or any serious health issues there are chances of being depressed.
Emotional factors.
Some very deep emotional incidents cause depression in life such as a move or the death of a dear person. Some close family disputes are also a reason of depression. Those who have any issues in marriage life or in relationships also have to face depression and feel a constant emotion of sadness.
Any abuse as sexual, or emotional abuse can make you a depressed person later in life.
Female gender.
Women have more chances of depression than man.Because the hormonal changes that women go through at different times of their lives are the main cause to create depression in their lives.
Family History.
If a family has the history of depression than the risk of depression are increased in their family.
Big Achievements or changes.
Depression is not only associated with sadness or failure even good events such as starting a new job, any big achievement or getting married can lead to depression.And losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring also can cause depression.
Social problems. Problems such as social isolation lack of communication in society other mental illnesses and a family or social isolation can cause depression.
There are some mast important rules which really helpful in depression.
A good routine.
Set Goal.
Depression makes us feel that we can not fulfill our dreams and can not achieve the goals, we may feel like you can't accomplish anything this thought is worse. But when we set daily goals for ourself is this the end of your depression.
A proper exercise routine is the best rule to follow because it has a long-term benefits for people with depression Regular exercise is best to detoxify the negative thoughts of our mind. There is no need to do very hard exercises to get benefit. Just by walking a few times in a week can help to a maintain a depression free life.
Healthy diet.
A good and balanced diet is important for a healthy lifestyle and there is no magic diet that fixes depression but by following a good healthy diet pattern we can over the depression It's a good and important to watch what you eat, because it leads us towards a depression free life with food health.
Good sleep.
A proper sleep pattern and a good sound sleep are necessary to follow in Depression because for a depressed person it is very difficult to get a good sleep and if you will follow this it will be best to defeat depression.
The most important point to remember is that everybody should know that depression is not a mental illness and it is just a bad phase which will pass through very quickly and if you will follow the basic rules properly you can deal with this very properly. But if you feel that the depression is going to be serious and there is not any problem to go to a doctor and to start a proper life track and by doing this you can deal with depression very positively and there is a very good manner.
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