Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Daily use of Chia seeds and health Benefits

The small black or white seeds,Chia seeds contain amazin antioxidants,minerals,fiber and vitamins that have many health benefits.Chia seeds can reduce your risk of several health conditions, including heart disease,lower high blood pressure and,help in weight loss,prevents constipation and also beneficial for Diabetes,hair,skin and many other problems.

Historically the use of chia seeds in medicines and cosmetics is also found.But it is a fact that Today, people all over the world enjoy chia seeds and it is used on regular basis to prevent many diseases and to deal with many health issues.

So very amazing health benefits of Chia Seeds are these

Lowers Blood Pressure.

It is a fact that High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common diseases that can cause a threat to your life.A number of Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids work as a blood thinner and may help in controlling blood pressure levels. Chia seeds are also loaded with these nutrients like fiber, Omega -3,vitamins,minerals and especially calcium, phosphorus, and zinc and all these components reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.All the use of Chia seeds in our diet is highly effective.

Reduce your risk of heart disease.

As we know that chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and by eating them you can reduce your risk of heart disease.The Soluble fiber ,found in chia seeds, can help ti lower cholesterol,LDL cholesterol in the blood. This can reduce the risk of heart disease.The antioxidants can reduce your risk of my health conditions, including heart disease.

Improve Blood Sugar Levels.

 Studies show that Chia seeds are high in fiber and fiber may help to reduce insulin resistance and also improves blood sugar levels in this  way it reduces your risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.So possibly due to fiber and other beneficial compounds the daily intake of chia seeds may help to regulate blood sugar.It is really important to know the side effects of high blood sugar levels because high blood sugar can occur in diabetics and these high blood  sugar levels are consistently associated with an increased risk of many complications, including heart disease.


For weight loss.

The tiny Chia seeds are packed with major essential nutrients and also an excellent source of omega 3, calcium, magnesium, protein and fibre. All these nutrients are considered very important and effective if you are trying for weight loss because fiber and protein can make a person feel fuller for long time because it temporarily suppresses  the appetite. As you can see that when you mix chia seeds with water, it expands, in this Chia seeds help ti control weight by fighting the tendency to overeat.By taking chia gel in your food makes you feel full for a long time.

How to consume Chia seeds?

There are different ways to include chia seeds in  your dier you can  use it according to your choice and convenience. You can add chia seeds in water,milk,curd,smoothies and milkshakes.

Chia seeds water.

To make chia water just mix a teaspoon of chia seeds in a glass of water and sit for 20 minutes before drinking.You can add fresh lemon or lime juice, and honey.You can also soak the seeds for overnight and drink it next morning. This excellent drink is safe for all including pregnant and nursing mothers and also very beneficial for thyroid, PCOS, or diabetes patients and itwill help you to achieve excellent weight loss.You can also add a spoonful chia seeds into your morning smoothie or sprinkle them in your food. 

Bone health.

As we know that calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are very important nutrients for bone health  and they are found in chia seeds in a very good amount.There are some very famous researchs and studies which shown that a proper and regular intake of these nutrients is important to maintain bone mineral density, which is the most important indicator of bone strength.

Prevents Constipation.

A good amount of fiber is associated with a good digestive system and to avoid constipation and Chia are full of dietary fiber. The consumption of chai seeds with good amount of water or liquid is required to prevent constipation.

Chia seeds by it nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants,fiber, magnesium and many other components not only fights with miner diseases but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, weight loss and many more but the best thing that it is very easy and simple to add chia seeds in your diet as they can be eaten raw, soaked in water,juice, or oatmeal, smoothies, and cooked items. 

Side Effects. 

Although chia seeds have no side effects but the point to remember is that just drink a good amount of water if you are taking them in your diet.Because of its ability to absorb water it is very important to drink enough water after eating chia seeds because if you are not doing this you have to face the problem of bloating, constipation and digestion problems.

So just add good amount of water in you diet and experience the amazing results to this tiny but Very beneficial Chia Seeds.

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