Monday, April 18, 2022

Healthy Youthful skin at 40


So you want to look younger? It might sound impossible, but there are foods out there that can make you look younger if eaten regularly. Foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins can help protect your skin from the signs of aging and even reverse the process in some cases. Here are the top ten foods that will help you look younger.


Brightly colored berries contain powerful antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that can damage skin cells and accelerate signs of aging. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are all good choices. Vitamin C also protects against sun damage, so eat up! Start your day with a fresh-fruit smoothie or whip up a berry salad for lunch. Try to add some berries to each meal throughout your day. While it’s not a bad idea to load up on these healthy fruits, don’t forget about getting enough other nutrients as well. Fruits do have calories and they don’t provide any protein, so make sure you pair them with foods like nuts or cheese that will give you more balanced nutrition. It’s important to eat a variety of fruits in addition to vegetables every day because different vitamins and minerals are needed by our bodies at different times during the day. For example, oranges provide vitamin C in the morning while cantaloupe is rich in potassium at night.


Fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to decrease inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation slows down skin renewal and can accelerate signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin. By eating fish at least twice a week you can maintain healthy levels of essential fatty acids in your body. A diet rich in salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, or sardines can give you that youthful glow you’ve always wanted. When it comes to oils, flaxseed oil is also an excellent choice as it contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids—the two types of essential fats. Flaxseed oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that help keep your skin clear and bright.


Yes, I’m talking about nuts. If you regularly consume cashews, peanuts, almonds, and walnuts (all rich in omega-3 fatty acids), you may benefit from a reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Eating pistachios has also been associated with improved cholesterol levels, but not as much as walnuts. And while they’re known for being high in fat and calories, a handful (one ounce) packs enough protein to keep you feeling full until your next meal! As if that wasn’t enough reason to reach for them, research suggests that eating nuts can help reduce wrinkles. In one study published in The Journal of Nutrition, women who ate 30 grams per day—about 11⁄2 ounces—of tree nuts had smoother skin than those who didn't eat any at all. Walnuts have been shown to increase skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production, so there's no reason why you can't include them on your plate each night. Just be sure to go easy on portion sizes: one or two halves is plenty; three halves is a snack; four halves is too many.


This fruit is not only a delicious, low-calorie addition to your diet, but it’s also rich in vitamin E. Some dermatologists believe that applying vitamin E oil to your skin can help reduce inflammation and slow down fine lines and wrinkles. Avocados also have plenty of potassium, which helps rid your body of toxins and excess water weight. Now that’s saying something when you consider how much avocado toast we consume each year! So put some guacamole on those eggs, or whip up a fresh batch of guacamole as an appetizer for your next party. The beta-carotene found in carrots will do wonders for keeping away acne and fighting off sun damage (you know those little spots that appear on your face when you spend too much time outdoors?). Carrots are high in fiber and great at giving you lasting energy without making you feel weighed down by heavy carbohydrates or fat.


Like most high-protein foods, eggs are full of amino acids, which promote cell regeneration. When you eat foods with a high protein count, your body breaks them down into amino acids for absorption. While some amino acids can’t be used by your body and instead are excreted, those that make it through your digestive tract create fresh new cells for your organs to work more efficiently. And because all parts of an egg—yolk, white, and shell—contain proteins, eating eggs regularly can help keep your skin looking young. One study found that people who ate two or three eggs daily experienced a less age-related decline in their skin than people who didn't eat eggs at all! Eggs also contain vitamin A (in the yolk) and lutein (in both yolk and whites), both essential nutrients for healthy skin. Try adding an egg or two to smoothies or omelets every day!

Just by adding these food items to your diet on daily basis, you can get young-looking skin within a few days. 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

10 Home Remedies for a Clean, Bright Skin


Skin whitening products can be expensive, especially if you have to buy them regularly as part of your skincare routine. If you’re looking for alternative ways to brighten your skin tone and ward off dark spots from years of exposure to the sun, these natural home remedies can do wonders. Bonus: they’re inexpensive and easy to find in your pantry or garden!

Drink water

One of our body’s most important organs is also one of its most neglected. We don’t drink enough water; in fact, we only replace about 60% of what we lose each day. The best way to hydrate your skin is to drink enough water every day and then apply moisturizer. This will help keep your skin healthy and free from any dryness or irritation.

Cut out Sugar.

Too much sugar in your diet could be one of your biggest issues when it comes to preventing tans. Sugar makes you hungry, which means you’ll often eat when you shouldn’t and then wonder why you are gaining weight. To avoid excessive tanning and improve your skin condition, cut out refined sugars from your diet. This will help balance blood sugar levels and regulate hunger—plus it might even boost metabolism.

Keep Skin Moisturised.

Too much sugar in your diet could be one of your biggest issues when it comes to preventing tans. Sugar makes you hungry, which means you’ll often eat when you shouldn’t and then wonder why you are gaining weight. To avoid excessive tanning and improve your skin condition, cut out refined sugars from your diet. This will help balance blood sugar levels and regulate hunger—plus it might even boost metabolism.

Use Probiotics.

It’s a well-known fact that probiotics are essential to healthy digestion and gut health. Probiotics also have antioxidant effects, which means they can brighten your skin tone and reduce inflammation. Many skin care products rely on them in their formulations to give their products that extra glow. Keep in mind that you need to replenish these good bacteria every day to keep them working!

Treat your face as an extension of your body

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. Think of it as an extension of your gut and treat it that way. It is just as susceptible to harmful bacteria, pollutants, and all-around nastiness as any other part of your body. While you cannot completely avoid air pollution or sun exposure, you can take precautions to protect yourself against them while they are at their worst. Here are some tips on how to help combat these dangers when they strike.

Sleep properly.

Sleep is your body’s chance to renew itself. Skimp on sleep and you may wake up feeling tired and unrefreshed. Aim for eight hours of sleep per night. Getting more sleep at night can also help you look better during daylight hours. Researchers from Harvard Medical School found that people who sleep between six and eight hours a night tend to have healthier levels of blood sugar than those who get less than six or more than eight hours of shut-eye.


Exfoliate your skin once a week.

You don’t have to make weekly visits to your local spa. A super-gentle exfoliation at home can do wonders for your skin. Make your scrub with two tablespoons of brown sugar and two tablespoons of olive oil or natural yogurt. Mix them in a bowl until you get a smooth paste, then apply it all over your face (and neck) and rinse after five minutes. It will leave your skin looking healthier and fresher than ever!

Switch up your routines. 

Taking care of your skin and body is hard work. While you may be happy to finally let loose at the beach or enjoy an afternoon by the pool in summer, it’s easy to forget that those UV rays can have lasting effects on your skin. By switching up your daily skincare routine and incorporating these 10 home remedies into your regimen, you can prevent yourself from suffering long-term damage and promote clean, healthy skin year-round.

Vitamin C for a clearer, brighter, and radiant look

It contains high levels of vitamin C, which helps in keeping skin hydrated. Topical vitamin C also has benefits such as reducing discoloration and unevenness of skin tone, thus giving you an even look. Also known as L-ascorbic acid or L-AA, it helps in minimizing fine lines and wrinkles and is ideal to be used with Retin A. Apart from being an excellent antioxidant, it also neutralizes free radicals that are responsible for causing wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Stay away from harsh soaps.

Soaps and cleansers are a bit like toners in that they don’t serve any purpose other than getting rid of dirt and oil. If you don’t want to pay extra for a cleanser that does nothing but smell nice, just use warm water—it removes all that grime without stripping away your skin’s natural oils. If you must use soap (which may be necessary if you have sensitive skin), use mild varieties like Dove or Purpose.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Five Ways To Deal With Mental Health Without Medication

 The medication works well for many people, but it doesn’t work well for everyone. Some mental health professionals contend that over-reliance on medication not only masks the underlying issue but can also cause debilitating side effects and negatively impact our long-term mental health outcomes. Here are five ways to deal with mental health without medication.

Natural Remedies

Eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep can do a lot to help with mental health. So can some medications that are only available over-the-counter. You don’t have to go running to your doctor for every ache or pain. Instead, consider taking OTC medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol) when needed. These medications can help relieve headaches, sore muscles, and mild pains caused by arthritis or other conditions, like fibromyalgia.

Positive Psychology

The best way to deal with mental health is to work on your thoughts and feelings. This will require a lot of practice, but it can be done. For example, positive psychology teaches us that keeping a gratitude journal and practicing random acts of kindness help helpline in a more positive state of mind. There are also more traditional solutions like joining support groups, meditating, or, getting help from family and friends.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is an evidence-based treatment that’s particularly helpful in dealing with certain forms of anxiety and depressive disorders. CBT encourages you to analyze your negative thought patterns, especially when it comes to catastrophizing or blaming yourself for what happens in life. You’ll then be encouraged to shift these destructive ideas into positive ones. It may seem difficult at first, but people who have taken up CBT report significant improvements in their quality of life—which, after all, is what we all want.


If you’re in a slump and feeling down, getting active can help improve your mental health. When we’re inactive, our bodies secrete chemicals called neurotoxins, which make us feel sluggish and out of sorts. But exercising releases endorphins that promote positive feelings, reducing anxiety and depression. So get moving! It’s one of the most effective ways to battle mental illness.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a focused state of awareness of your body of thoughts, and feelings. When you’re mindful, you are more in tune with your surroundings. You can observe your own emotions as well as those of others around you and act accordingly to not take anything too personally or react emotionally out of context. Mindfulness is a great way to deal with mental health issues without medication because it allows for an understanding that other people are simply in their world and have no malicious intent.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

10 Daily Habits that changes your life

Some good daily habits can make such a big difference to your overall health and your life. 10 daily habits can change your life in many different ways. If you're interested to bring very amazing changes in your life just follow them to bring a difference in physical, emotional, and mental health.

The most important and basic rule of a healthy life is a balanced diet and it is also important to build up a healthy immune system because our diet is the fuel of our body by eating a wide range of fiber-rich, nutritional, colorfully and healthy food is the key of health. The daily intake of vegetables and especially green veggies means 
Citrus Fruits.

VITAMIN C is very important for health because it
makes white blood cells in our body that help fight against infections and can stop us from getting sick. So add grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and limes therapy citrus fruits to choose from so it is easy to have some in every meal.
Make sure to take vitamin C every day, because our body doesn’t store it.

Enough sleep.

The requirements for good sleep vary from person to person, but most adults need seven to eight hours a night. A good amount of sound sleep is associated with good health but if someone is not sleeping properly it means he is inviting diseases because too little sleep is a welcome mat for illnesses. It makes your body more weak t sick because it is only the time of sound sleep when your body starts the work of repairing and it is compulsory for good Immunity.

7. Don’t stress.

ress causes a lot of problems for everyone and some people have to face sleep problems because of mental tension. So if you want good Immunity don't stress. If you want to reduce the stress in your life do healthy activities. Exercise and reading books are also helpful to reduce stress.

8. Stimulate your Memory. 
9. Spend quality time with loved ones.

10 . Avoid Mobile Phones before Sleep.
overnight when you will develop these habits in your life it means you are ready for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Friday, April 1, 2022

6 health problems caused by excessive use of Mobile Phone

In our modern lifestyle, it is a very important question How often do you check your mobile device? If you’re like most people and check your phone frequently, and always keep it close at hand in case of an emergency or just because of the use of social media updates, there’s nothing wrong with using your phone. But the problem starts when you have to face serious health problems that excessive mobile use can cause—both physically and mentally. These problems are associated with sleep and general health.

1. Sleep problems.

Excessive mobile use is the reason for disrupting our sleep patterns it can lead to permanent sleep problems. According to a recent study, those who used their mobile device within an hour of bedtime for more than a year were twice as likely to report symptoms of depression. If you’re struggling with sleep, it might be time to cut back on your phone use.

2. Neck, Shoulder, and Back issues.

When you hold your mobile too close to your face, it throws off your natural posture. As a result, you may experience issues with your neck, shoulders, and back. The average adult spends more than two hours each day using his or her phone—so if you’re not taking care of yourself, you may develop chronic pain in these areas.

3. Irritability.

When you spend too much time on your phone, you’re likely to experience bouts of irritability. This is caused by a lack of exposure to daylight (the body’s natural sleep aid) and exposure to blue light emitted from smartphones.

4. Depression.

 It is the biggest fact that if you are not taking good sleep at night and not following good sleep patterns it can make you feel more depressed. Depression is treatable—if you think you’re suffering from it, talk to a professional. The earlier you catch and treat depression, the easier it will be to deal with. Keep your phone away from your bed when going to sleep so that you don’t wake up feeling extra depressed during your day-to-day life.

5. Decreased Concentration.

When people look at a screen while they’re doing something else, they don’t pay attention to what they are seeing. As Harvard researchers found when they compared texting while driving to drunk driving, distracted driving is every bit as dangerous as intoxicated driving. And because we often use our cell phones during times that would otherwise be spent concentrating on other things—during meetings, in class, or even while watching TV—cell phone use can have a serious effect on concentration.

6. Poor Memory.

As you stare at a phone screen for prolonged periods, your brain has to face stress and burden. The long-term effects of these can cause poor memory.

So if you want to maintain your good health and want to avoid all the above-mentioned health issues then try not to look at your phone all the time and, more importantly, take breaks from technology when you can by doing this you can make many good changes in your lifestyle very easily.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is of responsible for increasing the intestinal absorption of calcium, phosphate, magnesium and many other biological effects. In human body, the most important compounds of this group are vitamin D₃ and vitamin D₂.Vitamin D intake is necessary  in any from as sun exposure, diet, and supplements.

Why vitamin D is so important?

It Helps in absorption calcium 
Keeps bones strong
Balances calcium by working with glands

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.


Muscles ache 

Bone pain

Muscle weakness

Muscle cramps

Mood changes

Sleep disturbance

Effects of vitamin D deficiency.

The main effects of the deficiency  of vitamin D are following 


Calcium and phosphorus are the main element for bones health and Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from the food you eat.Infact this nutrient is really important for people with osteoporosis.Many Studies show that calcium and vitamin D together can build stronger bones in women,specifically after menopause and also treat other disorders that cause weak bones.

High blood pressure and Heart disease.

The deficiency of Vitamin D can influence your blood pressure numbers.A number of studies show that vitamin D intake can lower your blood pressure numbers and helps to control high blood pressure naturally.

Immune system and infections.

This amazing vitamin is so important for immune function that the  low levels of vitamin D have been associated with increased infections the deficiency of vitamin D causes respiratory disease and infections.Trusted Sourceor example, low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , as well as viral and bacterial respiratory infections.

Weight loss.

The higher body fat percentage and BMI (body mass index) is linked to lower vitamin D levels in our blood.A wide range of studies show that vitamin D can keep the hormone levels in check and may help in weight loss and decrease the body fat.

Bone health.

The calcium intake is highly beneficial for bones but it's a fact that the calcium that benefits your bones wouldn't be able to do its job without vitamin D.Therefore the good amount of vitamin D is associated with bones growth and health.

 Risk of fractures in older people.

As people grow older the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium is very obvious in this situation it is necessary to add vitamin D in our diet to regular basis it can be take in the form of foods are supplements and specially from sun exposure.  

Source of vitamin D.

The most common,important and cheapest source of vitamin D is sun exposes.The sunlight is the permanent source of it.

Our diet including milk, dairy products,cod liver oil, salmon, orange juice, mushrooms, sea food and egg yolk are great Source of  Vitamin D.

The extreme deficiency of vitamin D the tablets are injections are also available but don't use them without know the exact levels of vitamin D in your body and it can be diagnosed with the test of Vitamin D.

For a healthy  life always keep a eye on Vitamin D levels and maintain it through a balanced diet.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Daily use of Chia seeds and health Benefits

The small black or white seeds,Chia seeds contain amazin antioxidants,minerals,fiber and vitamins that have many health benefits.Chia seeds can reduce your risk of several health conditions, including heart disease,lower high blood pressure and,help in weight loss,prevents constipation and also beneficial for Diabetes,hair,skin and many other problems.

Historically the use of chia seeds in medicines and cosmetics is also found.But it is a fact that Today, people all over the world enjoy chia seeds and it is used on regular basis to prevent many diseases and to deal with many health issues.

So very amazing health benefits of Chia Seeds are these

Lowers Blood Pressure.

It is a fact that High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common diseases that can cause a threat to your life.A number of Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids work as a blood thinner and may help in controlling blood pressure levels. Chia seeds are also loaded with these nutrients like fiber, Omega -3,vitamins,minerals and especially calcium, phosphorus, and zinc and all these components reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.All the use of Chia seeds in our diet is highly effective.

Reduce your risk of heart disease.

As we know that chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and by eating them you can reduce your risk of heart disease.The Soluble fiber ,found in chia seeds, can help ti lower cholesterol,LDL cholesterol in the blood. This can reduce the risk of heart disease.The antioxidants can reduce your risk of my health conditions, including heart disease.

Improve Blood Sugar Levels.

 Studies show that Chia seeds are high in fiber and fiber may help to reduce insulin resistance and also improves blood sugar levels in this  way it reduces your risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.So possibly due to fiber and other beneficial compounds the daily intake of chia seeds may help to regulate blood sugar.It is really important to know the side effects of high blood sugar levels because high blood sugar can occur in diabetics and these high blood  sugar levels are consistently associated with an increased risk of many complications, including heart disease.


For weight loss.

The tiny Chia seeds are packed with major essential nutrients and also an excellent source of omega 3, calcium, magnesium, protein and fibre. All these nutrients are considered very important and effective if you are trying for weight loss because fiber and protein can make a person feel fuller for long time because it temporarily suppresses  the appetite. As you can see that when you mix chia seeds with water, it expands, in this Chia seeds help ti control weight by fighting the tendency to overeat.By taking chia gel in your food makes you feel full for a long time.

How to consume Chia seeds?

There are different ways to include chia seeds in  your dier you can  use it according to your choice and convenience. You can add chia seeds in water,milk,curd,smoothies and milkshakes.

Chia seeds water.

To make chia water just mix a teaspoon of chia seeds in a glass of water and sit for 20 minutes before drinking.You can add fresh lemon or lime juice, and honey.You can also soak the seeds for overnight and drink it next morning. This excellent drink is safe for all including pregnant and nursing mothers and also very beneficial for thyroid, PCOS, or diabetes patients and itwill help you to achieve excellent weight loss.You can also add a spoonful chia seeds into your morning smoothie or sprinkle them in your food. 

Bone health.

As we know that calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are very important nutrients for bone health  and they are found in chia seeds in a very good amount.There are some very famous researchs and studies which shown that a proper and regular intake of these nutrients is important to maintain bone mineral density, which is the most important indicator of bone strength.

Prevents Constipation.

A good amount of fiber is associated with a good digestive system and to avoid constipation and Chia are full of dietary fiber. The consumption of chai seeds with good amount of water or liquid is required to prevent constipation.

Chia seeds by it nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants,fiber, magnesium and many other components not only fights with miner diseases but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, weight loss and many more but the best thing that it is very easy and simple to add chia seeds in your diet as they can be eaten raw, soaked in water,juice, or oatmeal, smoothies, and cooked items. 

Side Effects. 

Although chia seeds have no side effects but the point to remember is that just drink a good amount of water if you are taking them in your diet.Because of its ability to absorb water it is very important to drink enough water after eating chia seeds because if you are not doing this you have to face the problem of bloating, constipation and digestion problems.

So just add good amount of water in you diet and experience the amazing results to this tiny but Very beneficial Chia Seeds.

Natural Foods to Enhance Glutathione

Get Glutathione from Natural foods: In the pursuit of radiant and fair skin, the emphasis has shifted towards holistic approaches that prior...