Wednesday, April 6, 2022

10 Daily Habits that changes your life

Some good daily habits can make such a big difference to your overall health and your life. 10 daily habits can change your life in many different ways. If you're interested to bring very amazing changes in your life just follow them to bring a difference in physical, emotional, and mental health.

The most important and basic rule of a healthy life is a balanced diet and it is also important to build up a healthy immune system because our diet is the fuel of our body by eating a wide range of fiber-rich, nutritional, colorfully and healthy food is the key of health. The daily intake of vegetables and especially green veggies means 
Citrus Fruits.

VITAMIN C is very important for health because it
makes white blood cells in our body that help fight against infections and can stop us from getting sick. So add grapefruit, oranges, lemons, and limes therapy citrus fruits to choose from so it is easy to have some in every meal.
Make sure to take vitamin C every day, because our body doesn’t store it.

Enough sleep.

The requirements for good sleep vary from person to person, but most adults need seven to eight hours a night. A good amount of sound sleep is associated with good health but if someone is not sleeping properly it means he is inviting diseases because too little sleep is a welcome mat for illnesses. It makes your body more weak t sick because it is only the time of sound sleep when your body starts the work of repairing and it is compulsory for good Immunity.

7. Don’t stress.

ress causes a lot of problems for everyone and some people have to face sleep problems because of mental tension. So if you want good Immunity don't stress. If you want to reduce the stress in your life do healthy activities. Exercise and reading books are also helpful to reduce stress.

8. Stimulate your Memory. 
9. Spend quality time with loved ones.

10 . Avoid Mobile Phones before Sleep.
overnight when you will develop these habits in your life it means you are ready for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Friday, April 1, 2022

6 health problems caused by excessive use of Mobile Phone

In our modern lifestyle, it is a very important question How often do you check your mobile device? If you’re like most people and check your phone frequently, and always keep it close at hand in case of an emergency or just because of the use of social media updates, there’s nothing wrong with using your phone. But the problem starts when you have to face serious health problems that excessive mobile use can cause—both physically and mentally. These problems are associated with sleep and general health.

1. Sleep problems.

Excessive mobile use is the reason for disrupting our sleep patterns it can lead to permanent sleep problems. According to a recent study, those who used their mobile device within an hour of bedtime for more than a year were twice as likely to report symptoms of depression. If you’re struggling with sleep, it might be time to cut back on your phone use.

2. Neck, Shoulder, and Back issues.

When you hold your mobile too close to your face, it throws off your natural posture. As a result, you may experience issues with your neck, shoulders, and back. The average adult spends more than two hours each day using his or her phone—so if you’re not taking care of yourself, you may develop chronic pain in these areas.

3. Irritability.

When you spend too much time on your phone, you’re likely to experience bouts of irritability. This is caused by a lack of exposure to daylight (the body’s natural sleep aid) and exposure to blue light emitted from smartphones.

4. Depression.

 It is the biggest fact that if you are not taking good sleep at night and not following good sleep patterns it can make you feel more depressed. Depression is treatable—if you think you’re suffering from it, talk to a professional. The earlier you catch and treat depression, the easier it will be to deal with. Keep your phone away from your bed when going to sleep so that you don’t wake up feeling extra depressed during your day-to-day life.

5. Decreased Concentration.

When people look at a screen while they’re doing something else, they don’t pay attention to what they are seeing. As Harvard researchers found when they compared texting while driving to drunk driving, distracted driving is every bit as dangerous as intoxicated driving. And because we often use our cell phones during times that would otherwise be spent concentrating on other things—during meetings, in class, or even while watching TV—cell phone use can have a serious effect on concentration.

6. Poor Memory.

As you stare at a phone screen for prolonged periods, your brain has to face stress and burden. The long-term effects of these can cause poor memory.

So if you want to maintain your good health and want to avoid all the above-mentioned health issues then try not to look at your phone all the time and, more importantly, take breaks from technology when you can by doing this you can make many good changes in your lifestyle very easily.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is of responsible for increasing the intestinal absorption of calcium, phosphate, magnesium and many other biological effects. In human body, the most important compounds of this group are vitamin D₃ and vitamin D₂.Vitamin D intake is necessary  in any from as sun exposure, diet, and supplements.

Why vitamin D is so important?

It Helps in absorption calcium 
Keeps bones strong
Balances calcium by working with glands

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.


Muscles ache 

Bone pain

Muscle weakness

Muscle cramps

Mood changes

Sleep disturbance

Effects of vitamin D deficiency.

The main effects of the deficiency  of vitamin D are following 


Calcium and phosphorus are the main element for bones health and Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from the food you eat.Infact this nutrient is really important for people with osteoporosis.Many Studies show that calcium and vitamin D together can build stronger bones in women,specifically after menopause and also treat other disorders that cause weak bones.

High blood pressure and Heart disease.

The deficiency of Vitamin D can influence your blood pressure numbers.A number of studies show that vitamin D intake can lower your blood pressure numbers and helps to control high blood pressure naturally.

Immune system and infections.

This amazing vitamin is so important for immune function that the  low levels of vitamin D have been associated with increased infections the deficiency of vitamin D causes respiratory disease and infections.Trusted Sourceor example, low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , as well as viral and bacterial respiratory infections.

Weight loss.

The higher body fat percentage and BMI (body mass index) is linked to lower vitamin D levels in our blood.A wide range of studies show that vitamin D can keep the hormone levels in check and may help in weight loss and decrease the body fat.

Bone health.

The calcium intake is highly beneficial for bones but it's a fact that the calcium that benefits your bones wouldn't be able to do its job without vitamin D.Therefore the good amount of vitamin D is associated with bones growth and health.

 Risk of fractures in older people.

As people grow older the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium is very obvious in this situation it is necessary to add vitamin D in our diet to regular basis it can be take in the form of foods are supplements and specially from sun exposure.  

Source of vitamin D.

The most common,important and cheapest source of vitamin D is sun exposes.The sunlight is the permanent source of it.

Our diet including milk, dairy products,cod liver oil, salmon, orange juice, mushrooms, sea food and egg yolk are great Source of  Vitamin D.

The extreme deficiency of vitamin D the tablets are injections are also available but don't use them without know the exact levels of vitamin D in your body and it can be diagnosed with the test of Vitamin D.

For a healthy  life always keep a eye on Vitamin D levels and maintain it through a balanced diet.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Daily use of Chia seeds and health Benefits

The small black or white seeds,Chia seeds contain amazin antioxidants,minerals,fiber and vitamins that have many health benefits.Chia seeds can reduce your risk of several health conditions, including heart disease,lower high blood pressure and,help in weight loss,prevents constipation and also beneficial for Diabetes,hair,skin and many other problems.

Historically the use of chia seeds in medicines and cosmetics is also found.But it is a fact that Today, people all over the world enjoy chia seeds and it is used on regular basis to prevent many diseases and to deal with many health issues.

So very amazing health benefits of Chia Seeds are these

Lowers Blood Pressure.

It is a fact that High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common diseases that can cause a threat to your life.A number of Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids work as a blood thinner and may help in controlling blood pressure levels. Chia seeds are also loaded with these nutrients like fiber, Omega -3,vitamins,minerals and especially calcium, phosphorus, and zinc and all these components reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.All the use of Chia seeds in our diet is highly effective.

Reduce your risk of heart disease.

As we know that chia seeds are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and by eating them you can reduce your risk of heart disease.The Soluble fiber ,found in chia seeds, can help ti lower cholesterol,LDL cholesterol in the blood. This can reduce the risk of heart disease.The antioxidants can reduce your risk of my health conditions, including heart disease.

Improve Blood Sugar Levels.

 Studies show that Chia seeds are high in fiber and fiber may help to reduce insulin resistance and also improves blood sugar levels in this  way it reduces your risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.So possibly due to fiber and other beneficial compounds the daily intake of chia seeds may help to regulate blood sugar.It is really important to know the side effects of high blood sugar levels because high blood sugar can occur in diabetics and these high blood  sugar levels are consistently associated with an increased risk of many complications, including heart disease.


For weight loss.

The tiny Chia seeds are packed with major essential nutrients and also an excellent source of omega 3, calcium, magnesium, protein and fibre. All these nutrients are considered very important and effective if you are trying for weight loss because fiber and protein can make a person feel fuller for long time because it temporarily suppresses  the appetite. As you can see that when you mix chia seeds with water, it expands, in this Chia seeds help ti control weight by fighting the tendency to overeat.By taking chia gel in your food makes you feel full for a long time.

How to consume Chia seeds?

There are different ways to include chia seeds in  your dier you can  use it according to your choice and convenience. You can add chia seeds in water,milk,curd,smoothies and milkshakes.

Chia seeds water.

To make chia water just mix a teaspoon of chia seeds in a glass of water and sit for 20 minutes before drinking.You can add fresh lemon or lime juice, and honey.You can also soak the seeds for overnight and drink it next morning. This excellent drink is safe for all including pregnant and nursing mothers and also very beneficial for thyroid, PCOS, or diabetes patients and itwill help you to achieve excellent weight loss.You can also add a spoonful chia seeds into your morning smoothie or sprinkle them in your food. 

Bone health.

As we know that calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are very important nutrients for bone health  and they are found in chia seeds in a very good amount.There are some very famous researchs and studies which shown that a proper and regular intake of these nutrients is important to maintain bone mineral density, which is the most important indicator of bone strength.

Prevents Constipation.

A good amount of fiber is associated with a good digestive system and to avoid constipation and Chia are full of dietary fiber. The consumption of chai seeds with good amount of water or liquid is required to prevent constipation.

Chia seeds by it nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants,fiber, magnesium and many other components not only fights with miner diseases but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, weight loss and many more but the best thing that it is very easy and simple to add chia seeds in your diet as they can be eaten raw, soaked in water,juice, or oatmeal, smoothies, and cooked items. 

Side Effects. 

Although chia seeds have no side effects but the point to remember is that just drink a good amount of water if you are taking them in your diet.Because of its ability to absorb water it is very important to drink enough water after eating chia seeds because if you are not doing this you have to face the problem of bloating, constipation and digestion problems.

So just add good amount of water in you diet and experience the amazing results to this tiny but Very beneficial Chia Seeds.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Is it Good to eat fenugreek seeds daily?


The use of fenugreek is compulsory in our lives for thousands of years.We use it in our food and lives to get a lot of health  benefits but it is also a fact that fenugreek has been used in Chinese as a medicine to treat many diseases.

Fenugreek seeds are loaded with a number of healthy nutritions a good amount of fiber,fenugreek are rich in vitamins such as thiamin, folic acid,vitamins A, B6, and C, and are a rich storehouse of many minerals such as copper, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium and also a rich source of vitamin K.All these amazing health properties fight aganist many diseases.

There are some very wonderful health benefits of fenugreek seeds.

Good for Breast Feeding.

It is a very big fact that when a woman is breastfeeding,sometimes her milk supply might decrease due to stress, fatigue, or a variety of other factors and it is a very problematic issue.But studies show that the minerals and vitamins of fenugreek helps increase the amount of milk production.Fenugreek is a type of seed, can helps to increase the breast milk supply in a very effective and natural way. If you feel like your supply is dwindling, consuming fenugreek can be a simple, effective way to boost your production.The most important point is that fenugreek seeds are totally harmless for feeding mothers and newborns.1 teaspoon daily is very beneficial for this purpose

Manages Diabetes.

The use of Fenugreek powder
has the power to lower blood sugar levels. Because the natural fiber of fenugreek slows down the rate of sugar absorption into blood.As we know that the production of insulin becomes active when you take this powder and this powder helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which is very helpful to low blood glucose levels.
There are multiple studies to prove the anti-diabetic benefits of fenugreek.

Lowers blood cholesterol.

Fenugreek lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.The rich source of fiber in fenugreek reduces the cholesterol from the arteries and blood vessels of the body.There are many studies which indicate that fenugreek seeds play a very important role to reducing the body's production of cholesterol and especially the LDL or bad cholesterol.Fenugreek seeds help to  reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol from fatty foods and the amazing thing is that these seeds also increase the levels of HDL cholesterol and high levels of HDL can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.In this way fenugreek plays a key role in maintain your heart health and reduces thr risk of heart disease.

Better Digestion.

Fenugreek seeds can work like magic if you’re suffering from hyper-acidity or bowel problems because fenugreek is rich in fiber and antioxidants, which help in flushing out harmful toxins from your body. So the regular consumption of fenugreek seeds not only aids in digestion  but also facilitates the bowel movement. Fenugreek seeds also prevent constipation and stomach ulcers that cause a lot of discomforts. fenugreek seeds also cure other digestive problems ad stomach inflammation,heartburn and loss of appetite in a natural  way without any medication.

Weight Loss.

The natural fiber of Fenugreek seeds fill the stomach and reduce the appetite. This reduction of appetite supports weight loss.The use of fenugreek water or Chewing these seeds at least twice or three times a day will make you feel satiated without eating much and in this way the weight loss process will start very quickly and easily.Fenugreek seeds water is an effective weight loss drink which helps to shed extra weight. The use of this magical weight loss drink in is a healthy way of 100% weight loss with many health benefits.

Healthy Hair.

Dandruff, hair fall,dryness and thin hair are common hair problems which all of us have to face and we try alot of products for this.If you are also tired of trying different shampoos and medications but nothing is working so fenugreek seeds are the best remedy.As we know that fenugreek seeds are a rich source of iron and protein  and these two ingredients are essential nutrients for hair growth.The amazing minerals and vitamins play an important role for the regrowth of hair.The antifungal properties removes dandruff and fungus and also treat the itchy scalp.For this purpose add 2 tablespoon of fenugreek in half bowl of yogurt make a smooth paste and apply on your hair for half hour and wear hair cap.After half hour wash your hair properly.Try this twice a week.

Prevents from Cancer.

Many researchs and Studies have shown that fenugreek may help to  prevent certain cancers.

For Menstrual Discomfort.

Fenugreek seeds help to reduce discomfort and menstrual cramps.

For Fever And Sore Throat.

These seeds can provide a relief in fever.You can take fenugreek tea with few drops of lemon. Fenugreek also has a soothing effect on throat.

How to use fenugreek?

There are three ways to take fenugreek seeds in your daily diet.

Soaked Fenugreek.

To prepare the remedy y add 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup water and leave it for overnight.Next morning strain the solution and chew the seeds on empty stomach.

Roasted Fenugreek Seeds.

In a pan take some amount of fenugreek seeds and roast them on medium flame,turn into brown colour. Now let the seedscool and then grind them and make a fine powder. You can mix this powder to a glass of lukewarm water and intake every morning on empty stomach. You can also add this powder to other curries and have it daily.

The daily  intake of  these seeds brings many health benefits in a very natural way.Fenugreek seeds not only aid in the digestion but also flush out the harmful toxins from the body and detox the body.But the point to remember is that don't use them in excess and in case of any serious health issues consult with your doctor before its use.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Bay leaves benefits and uses


Bay leaf is a very famous herb that is not only used in cooking in fact it is used as a medicine for many diseases. The leaves and its oil are also used to make a number of medicine.Bay leaves have wide range of benefits and it is necessary to include them in your diet. So Let us explore them in detail.

For heart health.

The powerful and amazing properties of bay leaf provide protection against cardiovascular diseases and protects the heart from heart attacks and strokes. The wonderflu properties like rutin, salicylates, caffeic acid and phytonutrients boost heart function and health.These properties can strengthen the heart’s capillary walls and help to lower bad cholesterol levels.The use of 2  to 3 bay leaves as tea is highly effective for the function of heart.

Improve Digestion

The regular use of Bay leaves is very good for promoting digestion and it can treat many digestive disorders . Drinking of warm bay leaf tea in enough for common digestive disorders like constipation, acid reflux,irregular bowel movements and heartburn. In case of indigestion,bloating and many other problems the best remedy is the bay leaf tea.There are the ingredients and method of this tea.
Bay leaves 3
Ginger chopped 1 teaspoon
Water 1and half cup
Honey for taste(not for diabetic patients)
Add 1 and half cup of water in a pan.Boil it add bay leaves, add the chopped ginger.Boil it for 3 minutes. Pour in a cup.Add some honey and consume this twice a day for relief.This tea is a natural way to detox your body and it decreases the toxicity of the body, and also very good for vomiting.

Treat Respiratory Conditions
For respiratory tract infections and diseases the use of bay leaves tea is very good. For oral intake this tea is really beneficial because is helps to remove mucous, clears arteries and also cures the internal infections.The extracted bay leave oil can be applied to the chest to help treat various respiratory conditions and eliminates dangerous bacteria that may be trapped in your respiratory tracts and it is a natural antibacterial quality.

Bay leaves have the ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body because these leaves contain a unique nutrient which can quickly reduce inflammation and irritation.Bay leaves can be applied to certain areas, such as sore joints or areas affected by arthritis and it can be used orally as tea or herbal drink. In fact this effect can also be achieved through consuming the bay leaf spice in foods on daily basis.One of the most important benefits of it use is that it works through out the body.

Treatment of Diabetes.
Bay leaves are highly effective in treating diabetes because they cause reduction in blood glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.The easiest way to use bay leaves is bay leaf tea but to get maximum results, these leaves can be used in powdered form and should be consumed for 30 days. The use of bay leaves not only drops the sugar levels in the body it also regulates the functioning of your heart because the antioxidants in bay leaf enable the body to process insulin more efficiently.Bay leaves regulate blood sugar levels very quickly and naturally.

Reduces stress and Anxiety.

Bay leaves can help to lower the level of stress hormones in the body the daily intake of it can be very effective for stress and Anxiety especially when bay leaves are used in aroma therapy.It is a fact that excess stress hormones can be dangerous for long-term health, so bay leaves can help you to calm down and relax your in high anxiety moments. When you use bay leaves in aromatherapy or drink bay leaf tea it helps to reduce your stress hormones.It not only calm you down it also improves your sleep patterns even under a lot of stress so you can say that it is also very effective for insomnia.

Anti -Cancer Properties.

The antioxidants,organic compounds and minerals are the unique combination that are found in bay leaves and they help to protect the body from a number of harmful chemicals,UV effects and many other harmful cells that can cause or active the cancer cells in human body.Bay leaves are particularly effective to prevent this.

For healthy hair.

Bay leaves are used in many ways for long,strong and healthy hair. Bay leaf water and bay leaf oil acts as a tonic for hair,which helps to treat dandruff itchy scalp, hair damage,baldness,hair fall and many other problems. You can also add bay leaf water to your shampoo for hair promote,strength and shine.For bay leaf water boil 25 to 30 leaves in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes on low flame.To make bay leaf oil add 1/4 cup of bay leaves in 1 cup of olive oil and boil it on very low flame for 15 minutes,when cool down store in can also use mustard oil instead of olive oil. USE this water and oil twice a week and get the results.

Relieves Pain.
As we know that bay leaves have anti inflammatory properties which not only ease the pain in fact it also fights aganist the pain causing problems in fact leaf oil helps relieve migraines and headaches and the oral intake of bay leaves helps in arthritis, general pains and aches.

The vitamins,minerals and antioxidants of bay leaves have a wide range of benefits. This herb was widely used by the Greeks and Roman to get great health benefits and in our present society it also has a number of health benefits that can bring many changes in our health in a very easy and natural way.

Don't use this herb is excess and in any serious health issue consult with your doctor before its use.

Natural Foods to Enhance Glutathione

Get Glutathione from Natural foods: In the pursuit of radiant and fair skin, the emphasis has shifted towards holistic approaches that prior...