Thursday, September 9, 2021

Natural remedies for oily Skin

We all have different types of skin.
Skin is classified into 5 types, the first is normal skin, second is dry skin, third is oily skin, fourth is sensitive skin and the fifth is combination skin. Combination skin is dry in some areas and oily in some areas.
All of us want a flawless skin ,fresh face throughout the day is what we all love to want to have such kind of skin.But if we have skin problems then we have to do a lot of things.
Oily skin is also a big issues for some people specially for growing girls when they don't have any idea how to deal with this type of skin. In oily skin we have face excess oil inspite of using face wash and after some time our skin looks dull and oily,in this type of skin in mid day our skin begins to get oily. Skin oil, also known as sebum oil which is produced by the glands in order to maintain a proper balance of moisture and if the glands produce excess oil then the skin tends to become oily and greasy. The people having oily skin always want to know how to remove excess oil and how to maintain a healthy skin.
If we want to know that how to remove excess oil from face. We need to know the causes of oily skins and it's symptoms first.
Causes of Oily Skin.
1. Heredity: This is the most obvious and common factor that determines what type of skin you have is the family history. If someone in the family has an oily complexion, there are chances for you to also develop such skin.
2. Diet: People say ‘What you eat shows on the face’, well, it is true to a certain extent because eating oily and fried food makes the oil gland secrete excess oil and in turn your face looks dull.
3. Hormone levels: Fluctuating hormone levels in the body increase oil secretion and the skin becomes oily and greasy.

Symptoms of Oily Skin:- When you notice your skin changing its texture and after washing your face you feel some oil and it starts looking a little shiny, it is a sign of oily skin.
Clogged pores.

If you feel that the pores on your face are getting blocked with dirt and pollution causing blackheads or whiteheads, then it could be sign of oily skin.
Basic steps to follow.
If you have oily skin so you should follow some basic steps to deal with your skin
1: Cleanse your face properly. 2: Moisturize your skin. 3: This tip is specifically for those people who use toner on their skin. Ideally, moisturizers are enough to keep your skin balanced. 4: Use sunscreen and don't go outside without sun block. 5
If you scrub or exfoliate your skin to get rid of the oiliness you should remember that excessive scrubbing can cause your skin to get even more oily as it will cause your skin to feel that the necessary amount of oil is also not there. 6: Always use god products that suit your skin type. 7: Use oil-free makeup products. And always remove your makeup thoroughly before sleeping. 8: If you have oily skin you should change your pillow covers and bed sheets frequently. 9: If your skin has some serious issues you can use medicines according to the suggestions of your doctor and in some cases, even medical procedures can be done. 10:
If you have very oily skin, you can use certain medicated creams as well. vitamin A is a good option.


There are some very amazing food which are really helpful for oily skin.


The use of cucumber in our daily diet is very helpful for glowing skin because it has 96 % of water and has the power to hydrate the skin with its cooling effect along with the antioxidants.


Contains omega 3 fatty acids that can cure the problem of oily skin instantly. Banana Excellent source of vitamin D and potassium and very amazing for skin.


Spinach is rich in fiber it helps to clear your skin and regulate oil production.


They contain vitamin C as well as detoxifying components that can flush out the extra oil from your skin.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are high in fiber which helps to regulate the digestion process and keeps our skin free from oil and acne.


They are extremely healthy for the skin.


A lots of vitamin C in Broccoli helps in controlling the oil, which reduces the risk of acne.

Home Remedies.

Egg white.

Whip one egg white until it becomes stiff and apply it onto your skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water. Allow it to dry and then wash it off with warm water. Do this twice a week. This helps in tightening the skin and also soaks up the excess oil making it one of the most effective remedy to remove oily skin on face.


Tomatoes are very good for skin.Cut a tomato in half and rub it onto your skin. Massage it for 5-10 minutes and then allow the juice dry up on the face. Once dry, rinse with cold water. You will instantly feel fresh and if done on a regular basis, your skin will feel fresh smooth and oil free. You can apply this on face to effectively remove oil from face.

Best face Mask .

Aloe Vera and Turmeric Face Pack: 

Aloe vera is a great natural moisturizer and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in unclogging pores and reducing acne.Turmeric also helps in maintaining a healthy glow on the skin and also fights for bacteria.

Egg White and Lemon

 If you have large pores, then this face pack is worth a try. Egg whites help to shrink pores as well as tighten the skin while the lemon extracts prevents from damage and also  reduce the oiliness of the skin.

Clay and Tea Tree Oil

 Tea tree oil is famous  for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Mixing it with clay is a great way to help reduce excess oil as well as acne. It is especially beneficial to those who have frequent breakouts.

Gram Flour and Yogurt

We know that Gram flour is great to reduce the excess oil in your skin it also has anti-aging properties. It is also good for reducing acne. Mix it with yogurt or milk for a good pack at home.

Mud mask and Lemon Juice.
Mud mask is always known best because of its amazing results.It is a great  and helps in controlling excess oil while enriching the skin with vitamins and minerals. Mix it up with lemon water to balance your  PH levels and brighten your face.

we all know that there are some issues in oily skin and we have to deal with this skin very wisely to avoid acne and open pores but there are some very amazing aspects of oil skin.They are following

Thick and smooth

People with oily skin can have overproducing sebaceous glands and larger glands  . This makes a thicker inner skin layer which makes your skin more resilient in areas where the deepest lines can form, particularly the forehead.

Natural sun protection.

The oil that OILY skin produces contains vitamin E, which acts as a natural sunscreen for the skin. Vitamin E is also anti-inflammatory, so you may find your skin is more able to weather the elements. Be sure to put on a sunscreen suitable for oily skin before going in sun.

Resist the wrinkles.

The best and most remarkable thing about oily skin is that is works as shield to prevent  wrinkles because the natural oil of the skin is very helpful in winter and works as a moisturizer for the skin.A light moisturizer is enough for the anti aging routine of oily skin.

less skin care products.

People having oily skin are not worried about moisturizing the skin again and again ans specially in winter season. In fact a few dots of moisturizer and a few touches of oil-free foundation and just enough to maintain oily skin.
The most important point is that your skin should be hydrated and clean if you clean your skin properly you can tackle the all skin problems,so keep your skin neat and clean and if you feel that there are some issues about your skin then you should talk t your doctor and it will be helpful for you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How to Treat Insomnia without medication ?


In our daily life we see alot of people who complain about their sleep,some of them can enjoy a good sleep when they are mentally exhausted or over tired.Some people can't sleep in if their is any noise they want pin drop silence for a sound sleep and some have a sleep issue when they go to any other place.All these issues disturb their sleep patterns but we can consider it a big issues because these are common and people can deal with these issues very easily but the most serious problem about sleep is,when people people want to sleep but they can't  and there are some very serious problems about their sleep.


Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to sleep properly, hard to stay asleep, or if you sleep you  wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep and some time feel tired when you wake up and you can't feel good ever after sleep. Insomnia not only  destroys your energy level and mood but also your health, this  issue also effect your work performance and quality of life.

The requirements of a good sleep varies from person to person, but mostly adults need seven to eight hours a night.Infact Insomnia means poor sleep which has not benefits for health.

Common signs of this disease 

Not being able to sleep properly.

• Waking up too early.

• Waking for long periods in the night.

• Not feeling refreshed after a night's sleep.

If you have poor sleep,over a long period of time, it can severely affect your life,it can cause some very serious problems.

 Fatigue and loss of energy in the whole daytime.

• Very poor concentration.

• Loss of interest in daily activities.


• Depression and anxiety.

• A worse quality of life.

 A normal amount of sleep 

About 6-9 hours per night is average for most adults. Most people have their own sleep patterns and they manage it according to their own lifestyle however as you become older, it is normal to sleep less. For most people it takes less than thirty minutes to fall asleep.

So, everyone is different but the important thing is that the amount of sleep that you get should be sufficient for you, and that you usually feel refreshed and not sleepy during the daytime.

How to  sleep properly ?

There are some basic rules to treat insomnia and you can try this by changing your daytime and bedtime habits or by improving your bedroom environment.Making small changes may help you to get a good night's sleep. We can try some these methods for a few weeks to bring some positive changes in our lives. 

Day time routine. 

• Set a time for getting up every day. Try not to change this and follow this habit for some weeks properly.

Don't take large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bed.

DO some physical work and remain physically active during the day and go outside if possible.

Avoid sodas and chocolate, throughout the day and especially at night.


Like all other physical and mental issues this problem also has some basic reasons.The main causes are following


Mental tension causes alot of problems for everyone and some people have to face sleep problems because of mental tension.


Anxiety is also a cause of disturb sleep if someone has anxiety.

Excessive work.

We know that physical activity or work is good for health however if someone is suffering very badly and their is very expensive work it also causes insomnia.


Constipation is a cause of many health problems it is also responsible for a restless sleep.

Overeating at night.

The dinner should be lighter for a healthy lifestyle and if someone is overeating at late night on regular basis it can also cause insomnia.


An upset stomach can also cause sleep problems.

Excess of tea or coffee.

The use of tea and coffee at night can also effect the sleep permanently.


Smoking is poisonous for everyone's health and the excessive smoking habit also causes insomnia in many people.

Empty stomach before sleep.

It's also a fact that an empty stomach is also a cause of disturb sleep because if you're feeling hunger you can not sleep properly. There are thousands of people who are using medicines to solve their sleep issues but the tablets are not a good solution of it,this is a temporary solution of it.We can solve this issue permanently with some natural remedies.
Milk and honey Take 1 glass of milk Add 1 tsp of honey Drink every night before bedtime This works as a tonic
Natural home remedy using anis seed and milk: Take ½ L of water Add 1 tsp of anis seed
Boil the mixture for 15 minute on low flame Strain the mixture Drink this lukewarm. You may add honey to improve taste Drink this before going to bed. Natural home remedy using honey: 1. Take 1/2 glass of water 2. Mix 1 tsp of honey 3. Mix well 4. Drink before bedtime You should also follow some little steps in your daily routine to deal with this issue. Daily take a hot bath or shower before sleeping it is very effective for sound sleep

 Always follow a timetable at night to sleep and to wake up, follow it including weekends.

Don't use smartphones, TVs, laptops or other screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

No smoking  specially before sleeping. 

Although there are millions of people who are suffering from insomnia and trying very hard to deal with this problem but the many researchers  show that the best way to deal with this issue is a natural way.By following the healthy rules and lifestyle and with the help of some natural remedies everyone can deal with insomnia but for this we have to bring some basic changes in our day to day life permanently and positively.Every one is suffering from insomnia he knows that how difficult is this to maintain a normal and healthy lifestyle with this disease because your have to face physical and mental issues in this disease and if you don't take any serious steps to prevent this and if you only take sleep pills and not any other changes in your life you're definitely going on a wrong path.

In our modern life style we are facing many different challenges and the mental health issues are one of them the best way to deal with mental illness and any anxiety and depression is to bring some positive and healthy changes in our whole lifestyle.In insomnia those steps are also required properly and by doing this we definitely deal with all healthy issues and specially with insomnia in a very positive and Natural way permanently.

IF SOMEONE  has any serious issues and other health problems then you should definitely go to your doctor and don't use any remedy if your have any serious health issues.

IF you have any questions please ask.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Benefits of Egg for a healthy life

Whenever we want a healthy and balanced diet towards a healthier lifestyle we know that the best and basic  ingredient of our diet is egg Eggs are the essential part of our diets.Although we know the importance of eggs in our diet but today we are going to know the full nutritional magic they pack, and how beneficial they full we use them properly on regular basis and its full health benefits.

 Eggs are loaded with 13 essential vitamins and minerals and these  important nutrients  vitamins and minerals are a basic part of a healthy and balanced every day diet.Infact if we are not eating eggs it is not possible that we can fulfill our daily needs of a balanced diet.Eggs provide the highest-quality protein – and also containing 13 essential vitamins and minerals,eggs have necessary omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.Protein is the basic element of balanced diet and it is required on daily basis in our diet. and eggs are full of it 60% of the high-quality protein in eggs can be found in the egg white and  the yolk contains vital healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants infact this combination of protein and healthy fats is essential for your daily nutritional 

To get Nutrients.

For a healthy body and to maintain a healthy balanced diet there are a number of things which we should add in our daily life so it is very important to add such kind of food in our daily life which can provide us all these things in a very simple way.For this purpose Eggs are necessary because only 1 eggs provides us 13 essential vitamins ,minerals protein and many more.

Daily vitamins and minerals.

We know that eggs contain useful amounts of vitamins A, E, B5, B12, as well as iron, iodine and phosphorus – all these  nutrients are necessary for a healthy and  balanced diet.It is very rare to get a lot of vitamins minerals and other elements in one thing and we get all of them in eggs.

Full of Protein.

Protein is the basic and main ingredient of our diet and eggs are best and  a perfect protein source. Proteins are the building blocks of life, essential for the strength and repair of muscle and tissue.In one single egg containing about 6.3 grams of the highest-quality protein is available.The protein in eggs is so important because eggs contain all nine essential amino acids in a good amount to support effective muscle growth, recovery and maintenance.Although protein is also found in other food but the fact is that eggs are the best and cheep way to get best and healthy protein.

Good Cholesterol.

Eggs help increase (HDL) levels the  good Cholesterol. cholesterol as it’s commonly known – and this is one reason why eggs have been found to have little to no effect on heart disease risk.The good cholesterol is necessary for a healthy and balanced diet.the basic good point of good cholesterol is that is also decrease the bad fats from our body.

Source of VITAMIN D.

Vitamin D is a very basic requirement of a balanced diet.The deficiency of Vitamin D causes alot of health issues in human body so it is necessary to take a right amount of Vitamin D in our daily diet.The most alarming thing is that the adults are also suffering from the deficiency of vitamin D .This deficiency also reduces  the strong immunity system .Egg yolks are one of the best source of vitamin D if we adding them in our diet in aright amount it means we are taking a healthy diet.Two eggs provides 82% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin D.Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D also aids in promoting healthy muscle function and immune system maintenance.

For weightloss.

When we want a balanced diet for weight loss or weight management the importance of eggs is very we now that protein is very essential in weightloss and eggs are full of protein low in calories and a rich source of high-quality protein, eggs are one of the best food options for weight management.Because eggs give us greater feelings of satisfaction and  less hunger and a lower desire to eat later in the day.Eggs can be used as a best mid-afternoon snack. Research shows that after eating eggs levels of a hormone increases that helps you feel satisfied for a very long time It keeps the  energy levels higher and also boost the  metabolic rate in the body.

For Eyesight.

Eggs are full of Vitamins ,Minerals Iron Vitamin D and a good amount of Omega-3 all there thongs are very important in good eye sight and to protecting your eyes.Eggs are also good for heart and brain health .Fish OIL is one of the best-known sources of omega-3 but the  people who avoid or can’t eat fish, eggs are best for them as an other source because eggs are full of  antioxidants so it reduces the risk of certain eye diseases and age-related problems.

Best for older people.

Eggs are very  economical and easily digestible source of high-quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals and  an ideal diet ingredient for older people.Because they are easy to prepare so  eggs are a simple way of nutrient intakes for older people,if eggs are add in their daily diet it helps to reduce the risk of many  deficiencies and conditions.

For mental health.

In our daily life today people have to face a lot of mental stress and mental activities. Eggs are also  important for brain function.A balanced diet also improves our mental health eggs are the combination of Vitamin B2, B12,  iron and all these things  help to reduce the risk of anxiety and  depression.

A good sleep. 

We all know that a sound and good sleep is necessary for a healthy body and healthy lifestyle, eggs are very beneficial for a good sleep because it reduces depression and anxiety, which are a great hurdle in the way of a good sleep.So by including eggs in our daily life we can get the good sleep patterns.

So if you want to maintain a healthy and balanced diet you should include eggs in your diet properly but the main point to remember it that  if you have any serious health issue then you should talk to your doctor to know about the right amount of its use in your daily life.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

How to get perfect Height?

Height is the basic concern of almost every person. Everyone wants to know how to increase height in a natural way.There are various things that effect height.The basic thing is genetics,genetics plays an important role in determining how tall you will be. It acts as a very main factor.The second most important element is your diet,the quality of your diet also influences your hight.When a good diet is not taken, this task of growth gets compromised because the sufficient fuel is not available for your body.

 Why height is so important?

People offen associated night with attractiveness and prestige. So people always want to add a few more inches to their height.So people always want to increase their hight.

BUT the main question is that do you even have any control over your height?
And the answer is yes, to some extent.The 80% of your height depends on genetic factors which are obviously not in your control and 20% of it depends on environmental factors,your lifestyle your diet and on your daily activities which are under your control.
Exercise is one of the best ways to help in height growth. It helps with muscle growth and to increase bone mass and strengthen the bones.

Genetics has the most important part of this process.But when we talk about genetics it does not mean that your higher will be the same as your parents although it maybe for some extend but not 100% the same. Generally the height growth period for men is fat 21 years and for women till the age of 18 years. But there is not any fixed rule about it.

Usually we observe that boys and girls are generally of similar height during middle childhood and in junior high school, girls are often taller than male classmates, but after 1or 2 years boys catch up and usually surpass their female classmates. The fact is that about 25 per­cent of human growth in height occurs during pubertHowever, there are natural remedies to grow height aven after 21 years. Infact some new scientific facts on growth are that, people even after the age of 21 can grow a few inches!.And if we think that how is this possible the answer is healthy diet and exercise.Healthy eating habits should be inculcated for everyone. If you include green vegetables, proteins, calcium etc into your diet, it will help in increasing your height in the long run.At this stage some very good remedies can also cause good results,the effect of these remedies might vary from person to person.
There are some main factors that affect height growth for teenagers, men & women: 1. Genetic.

Infact this is the most important factor that determines height of a person. Genetic factors are not in our control.If the height of your patients is short there are chances of your short height but it's not 100% sure. 2. Nutritions in our diet.

If you are not taking proper nutritions it can also effect the process of growth and can slow down the process.Because of it people can face short height problems.

A good sleep pattern is important in every health issue.But the importance of sleep in good height is very clear because most of our growth actually takes place while sleeping as we release a lot of growth hormone. If you’re not sleeping enough it means you’re actually hurting the amount of growth hormone so if you a good and required height take a sound sleep. BALANCED DIET AND HEIGHT.
If you are eating a healthy balanced diet and taking the right amount of proteins, fruit and vegetables it means you're on the right track of a healthy diet and it is compulsory to take a balanced diet and nutrients.
What can effect our height?

We know that in our height genetics have up to 80% role but the remaining 20% other factors are affected by some reasons.If you are following the helpful rules it can help in obtaining your ideal health but but there are also some causes which you should avoid completely because they effect the height process.

Early puberty.

Puberty is the natural process which starts in children between 10 to 13 years but the fact is that now a days the children are facing the issue of early puberty.Early puberty effects the process of height specially in girls. CAFFEINE.
If you don't want to stop your natural growth so the big thing to stop is caffeine. Caffeine doesn’t effect the growth directly but it effects our good sleep.If someone is taking caffeine in excess amounts it will definitely disturb the good sleep which plays very important role in good height growth because the growth hormone are associate with good sleep so reduce your caffeine intake as less as you can. SMOKING.
We all know that smoking is poisonous for health. Therefore stopping smoking is the most helpful thing you can do to improve your health and the health of the people around you.Now people are getting awareness that how dangerous is the habit of smoking so every year more and more people are quitting smoking, and enjoying the better lifestyle.You can also bring changes in your life by doing this because smoking also effects your height increasing process.
By following the basic rules and guidelines you can also increase your height process in a very positive way.

A good height is a dream for almost every person. If you have good height it means you have a good quality because society makes us feel that it is an important aspect of an individual’s personality. It boosts your self confidence.

People may have such kind of thoughts but the most important point to remember is that your good height can improve your confidence level but it is not the key of your success.Your good future and upcoming success is not dependent on your height.The fact is that your determination your courage and your ability is the most important factor of your success so if you have not a n ideal height it cannot effect your success so your follow the basic rules of a healthy life to improve your healthy lifestyle and to keep yourself more energetic.

Friday, September 3, 2021

How to Increase your confidence?


Whenever we talk about the confidence it means Self-confidence it's a quality that makes you able to be positive and realistic views about yourself and handle the situations in which you are involved in a very positive way. If you have a great quality of self-confidence,  then you do not fear facing any ups and downs, many problems cause you can stand up for the right decisions at right time and you can do this because you know that you are doing that hehe the g right.

 It means you are not afraid to take risks on tasks that you can do and you do not get paralyzed by the fear and anxiety when faced with things you want or need to do.
People with self-confidence have very little fear to stand up for what they believe in and dare to face any problems. If we are Losing confidence we can not trust in the ability to perform. It may be reasonable as the result of past failure to perform, or without any reason because whenever we have doubts we can't be sure about anything or any decisions.
The degree of confidence, called self-confidence, is then trust or faith that you have in yourself and your ability.
Confidence shows how successful you are in life. Having self-confidence does not mean that you can do everything but self-confident people have realistic expectations. That's why even when some of their expectations are not met, they don't afraid of it and they continue to be positive and accept themselves. 

In reality, everyone wants to be confident and if they are not they want to know how to be confident so they often think that...How To Be Confident how to build Confidence and how to Boost Confidence. People want to know Self Confidence tips, to improve their confidence level, and many more.
But the most important point is that if you're facing a very serious problem of lack of confidence and because of it things are getting worse then you should go to a doctor or not?
The answer is yes...When you feel that you are not ready to face your problems..when you feel a fear of losing fear and especially when don't feel the courage to try again after a failure. When low confidence becomes a long-term problem, it can hurt our mental health and our day-to-day lives. At this point, you might need help from a Healthcare Professional to make a plan to improve your confidence. Because when your problem increases
you may have to experience anxiety about making life decisions even sometimes you feel it very difficult to live a normal life because of negative thoughts. All these things are a sign that you may need the help of a Healthcare Professional for betterment or to deal with all these issues. At this point don't hesitate to go to your doctor because when you feel negative about yourself and lack interest in anything at this point you be unable to sleep or even can not enjoy your favorite hobbies.

But if you don't have any serious issues but sometimes you lose your self-confidence and our know that you can deal with this issue by yourself and that point how can you deal with this?
There are some amazing points by which you can increase your confidence level very easily


Don't Compare Yourself.
The basic thing to be confident is that don't make comparisons about health, lifestyle income, look, or anything. These comparisons can't make you happy so always remember that every person is different. He has different goals and different opportunities. So be HAPPY in yourself and don't make any comparisons.

Positive People in life.

Always remember how your friends make you feel. Do your friends give you support when you feel yourself down or do they always bring your down? Are they accept you in any situation? Always remember that you are most influenced by the people who spend time with you so If you feel bad about yourself after spending time with them, then say goodbye to them and always keep positive people around and they make you more confident and positive.

Always face Your problems.

If you want to get good self-confidence so the best way is to face your fears and problems. when you are ready to face your fears it means you are also ready to face your failures remember that if you don't lose your hope even after your failure it means you have gained your self-confidence very well.

 Here are some very important health tips that are very helpful for self-confidence. These are the following...

  • Diet: A balanced diet is the most important point for your healthy life. If you are taking about a balanced diet full of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins it means you are ready to save yourself from disease. When you feel better about healthy then you feel better about yourself.
  • Exercise: Several research studies show that good physical activity also boosts your confidence. You daily exercise and walking habits also reduce stress levels and make you feel better. 
  • Meditation: Meditation can help boost self-confidence in many ways. It helps you to recognize and accept yourself. Meditation also teaches you to stop thinking about negative thoughts and how to increase self-confidence.
  • Sleep: Good sleep is the most important point of a healthy life because it makes you feel relaxed confident and happy. A good quality sleep is necessary to calm your emotions and stress all these things and important to gain your confidence.
  • All these points are really good and helpful to increase your confidence and -esteem.
  • But always remember that the Healthcare Professionals are always there for your help they are not going to judge you.  So don't be afraid about any discussion with them. Infact they will help you with with the suitt

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How to use Flaxseeds?


Whenever we talk about good seeds ,herbs and spices Flaxseeds come on the top.Flaxseeds are full of many essential nutrients like protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B complex and potassium. They are known as miracle seeds which are used throughout the year but mostly consumed in the winters and these tiny seeds have magical effect on your health in hormonal balance, weight loss, immunity, hair growth and skin. These seeds are realy fantastic in alot of healthy issues.However only few people know the right amount of its use the right way to use and when to consume them.

So everyone should know some basic rules about Flaxseeds .

1.You should always roast them and use them in ground or powder form

2.The grounded flaxseeds should be used within 10 to 15 days

3.Always store them in the fridge but in extreme winter you can keep them outside 

4.In the starting you should consume 1/2 to 1 tsp

5.The use of 1 tbsp of flaxseed is enough and safe.

6.You can also use them on the top of your salads and in smoothies but always use after roasting them 

7.For hormonal balance, these should be consmed in the 1st phase of the menstural cycle

8.Flax seed  should not use in extremely hot weather 

9.Increase the water intake because it can cause consumption

10.Always use clean and fresh flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are used specially in these flowering healthy problems 

For weight loss

We know how flaxseeds work well for weight loss and they are used in different remedies are recipies of weight loss.They  are full of  nutrients vitamins and minerals .The Omega 3 fatty acids, fibre,protein,vitamins,minerals and have multiple health benefits.They are also loaded with antioxidants.Omega 3 are essential nutrient that our body can’t produce but they are very important to maintain our health. It helps to prevent high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, and diabetes.Although the benifits of flaxseeds are so many but they are considered best in weightloss.there are many ways to us them for weight loss.Threre are some of them 

Flaxseeds tea

Add these seeds to your tea, and see how your weight melts away. Here’s  THE METHOD to make it:


1 tbsp flaxseed powder


Honey (to taste)

1.5 cups water


Take one cup of water into a tea pan, and let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Add a pinch of cinnamon and flaxseeds powder. Now, boil it for another 5-8 minutes, and remember to stir occasionally.Turn off the gas and strain the liquid.Now add honey  according to your taste. (You can add lemon juice if not want to add honey)flaxseeds tea is ready!

2. Flaxseeds and yogurt

You know yogurt is full of nutrients,which speeds up metabolism and also spress your hunger and helps with weight loss. And when yogurt is mixed with flaxseeds, it makes a perfect recipe for weight loss. 

Use of 1 spoon with water.

For weight loss consume 1 tsp one hour before meals and drink 1 – 1 glass of water at ½ hour intervals. This way they will leave you feeling full which stops you from overeating.

For hair 

Flaxseeds are best for the growth of hair and to maintain its  strength by improving blood circulation. It helps to purify the hair follicles and prevent  hair loss. It helps in  scalp issues such as dandruff. It helps you to get thick hair naturally and solves the problem of baldness.It helps to regrow  hair .Flax seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help you avoid a dry, scaly scalp, and nourish your hair. It also increases the hair health so there is  less breakage .Flaxseed can be used for hair as hair mask and hair gel.They are infact an excellent for hair .

Hair Mask.

2 glass of water & 1 cup of Flax seed.

2 Table spoon of Coconut Oil

Apply on oil free hair

Keep Mask on hair for 45-60 mins

Wash with a light Shampoo

No conditioner needed.

For skin

 Flaxseeds are really miracle for skin.

They make  fresh, glowing and spotless skin instantly.

It also reduce your sun tan, sun burn, acne and blemishes and reduce your wrinkles,tighten your skin and ,improves complexion. The use of flaxseeds as mask ,get and also as face pack is enough enough for a spotless and glowing skin



Flaxseed gel-2tbsp

Alovera gel-- 1tsp

Water-- 1 cupl

Boil flaxseed in one cup of water, boil it on low flame for good 10 mint. When you get white  gel like liquid turn off the flame, and strain it in a bowl and let it cool down, now add 1tsp alovera gel mix it well and apply all over your face and neck. Keep it for good 30min and wash with normal water. 

All skin type can use this and you can use it in any season

 you can store it for 4-5days in fridge

You can use this gel mask 2-3times in a week.

2nd remedy

To make your own flax seed gel, soak 1/4th cup of flax seeds in 2 cups of water overnight. Then boil the soaked flax seeds with water for 3-4 minutes. Water will turn into gel like consistency. Now strain the gel with muslin cloth and add 1 vitamin E capsule extract in it. Your flax seed gel is ready to use. You can store it in an air tight container the refrigerator for 20-25 days

Possible side effects


If you are using it in excess,the excess consumption can cause bloating, gas, cramps and abdominal pain

Avoid flax seeds if you are usig blood thinning medication

When you are on any other medication, you should consult your doctor  

Avoid flax seeds during heavy periods

Avoid eating raw or unripe Flaxseeds 

Avoid to use flaxseed when pregnant or breastfeeding

Drink plenty of water when taking flaxseed.

A person who is taking medicines of diabetes, blood clotting, or thyroid should talk to the doctor before taking flaxseeds.Nobody can deny the benefits and outstanding properties of this seed but it's necessary to use them in a proper way and in a proper amount if you feel any issues or any health complications stop using it and consult with your doctor and then use it and enjoy its magical results.

Best and Permanent treatment Of COVID 19

 Before December 2019 nobody could think about the problems the whole world was going to face.The terrible circumstances,the fear of death,the fear to isolation the fear of unemployment the  fear to lose our beloved family and friends.

But unfortunately we were facing all these painful and stressful situations the whole world even the developed countries inspite to their all sources,well economical conditions and inspire of their well equipped medical professionals were paralyzed because the whole world was facing Covid 19.The wave which started from Wuhan,China and covered the world.The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 january 2020.After that within few days covid was spreading very fastly all over the world and every country was taking some urgent steps and safety measures to over come this situation and after so many ups and downs and disaster the every country and every individual was trying to learn how to survive in this situation.It took almost 1 year to reach at the point of survival and the medical experts to find the vacination of conora virus.The virus affected about 210 countries with very severely infant was thegreatest challenge that the humankind faced since the 2nd World War and they are still struggling.

Current situation.

Although COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life our educational system our social life an our jobs our businesses and also  economy of the world. The restrictions of travelling from one country to another country are almost finished.The trading and business sectors are started their work,educational institutions are open and slowly we are towards normal life after vaccination the people are feeling more protection.But in the parallel the new and new corona variants are haunting us.

Now the question is that,the vaccination the solution of all this situation?The phase of lockdown is no more? We are ready to face any new variants of COVID 19?There are alot of questions but the answers are that we should do?

There are some basic rules and life changing points which are best than any Covid 19 Vaccination and by following them we are ready to get the answers of  all questions.The rules are some basic changes in our lifestyle and health.The rules are following 

1. Eat a healthy diet.

The most important and basic rule to fight with this and any other health issues is a healthy and balanced diet.There is no doubt that the people who were affected by this virus very mildly they first of all came to follow a balanced diet.Now it's time to realize the fact that with a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle we are stronger enough to overcome all  viruses and diseases so let's start a balanced diet.

Fruits and veggies.

The importance of fruits and vegetables is obvious no one can deny it.We should eat a good portion of fruits and vegetables per day. You can improve your intake of fruits and vegetables by always including veggies in your meal; eating fresh fruit and vegetables as snacks; and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is must. By doing this you will not only reduce the risk of corona virus infact many other diseases  such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.


Exercise is the best way to be healthy and fit.It makes us feel happy and help us to be active and healthy.So don't stop this inspite of lockdown you can continue this even in your home or in your room.its really helpful even in this situation.

Get tested.

Always know your health status through your tests when ever you feel any health issue and specially any symtim of COVID 19.Knowing your health status means you will know about your resent healty. if you find out that you’re positive,quarantine your self immediately and get the care and treatment that you need.If you that you oxygen level is not good go to the hospitle as soon as possible.

Wear your mask.

Make sour to use a mask regularly and cover your face permanently if gatherings.In our childhood every person was educated to cover the mouth when we cough or sneeze.So don't forget this habit.Because when an infected person coughs or sneezes, infectious may be passed on to others through airborne droplets.So, make sure you have covered your mouth with a face mask or use a tissue and then dispose it carefully. If you do not have a tissue close by when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth as much as possible with your arm.

Drink water.

Water is the basis need of our body clean drinking water is essential for a healthy diet so drink water in a good amount.Avoid soft drinks.Because water also detoxify our body and removes toxins from the body.It aslo makes our immune system stronger so drink clean and fresh water.

Clean your hands.

In Covid we have learnt this rule that hand washing and hand sanitizers are not only for health workers but for everyone. Clean hands can prevent the spread of infectious.So  your continue this habit and also make sure for your child.If we adopt this permanently we are able to protect ourselves completely.

Regular check-ups.

For every person it is must to go for regular check-ups it  helps to find health problems before they start.Your doctors can help to  find and diagnose health issues early,at this  time your chances for treatment are very much.So if your have this habit to consult with your doctor it is very helpful to you if you face Covid 19.So go for your regular check-ups.


Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent if we are already vaccinated of cholera, diphtheria, hepatitis B, influenza, measles, pneumonia, polio, tetanus, typhoid, and yellow fever then covid 19 will be less dangerous for us.So after   the vaccination of Covid 19 consult to your doctor and when even he says complete your all vaccinations.In this way you are ready to strong your immune system.You should also complete your children vaccination chat.

No stress.

Stress was the basic issue which almost everyone was facing in the time of lockdown and specially in quarantine.But always remember stress is not the solution of any problem.So don't be stressed and whenever you feel down talk to your family and friends and only see the bright side of every problem and situation.So start a new day with full positivity and energy.

As we know that the wave of covid has also affected our health care departments.Hundreds of doctors in every country have to sacrifice their life during their duties there is still high burden  on our medical system.Therefor patients with other disease and health problems are getting neglected.So it's time to take some basic steps for Covid 19 free world and to decide that we can deal with this issue with our willpower and healthy lifestyle. 

So let's follow all good rules and walk towards a healthy living in 2022.

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